Struggling to Define Personal Success
Struggling to define personal success deep down and you’re tired? I want to challenge you to consider you may be in a awful place that is great to be. (Audio 6 min 30 sec) Psalm 90
Spencer Swain / Coaching, Commitment, Dreams / 0 comments
Struggling to define personal success deep down and you’re tired? I want to challenge you to consider you may be in a awful place that is great to be. (Audio 6 min 30 sec) Psalm 90
Spencer Swain / Coaching, Commitment, Family, Generation, Spiritual Growth, Spiritual Guidance, wisdom / 1 comment
Spiritual guidance is so misunderstood. I can receive spiritual guidance meeting someone once or once a month. Who are you guiding spiritually? 4 min 22 sec audio (1 Thess. 5:24 )
Spencer Swain / Coaching, Dreams, wisdom / 0 comments
Dreams and happiness come when wisdom, risk, and reality intersect. You can’t do this alone, you need a coach, someone who sees your dream and your potential. (Proverbs 13:12, 19) Audio 6 min 11 sec
Spencer Swain / Coaching, Patience, wisdom / 0 comments
What does breaking God’s Silence mean? Here are 3 suggestions about a silence. (Mark 1:10, 3 min 25 sec) Followup to recent message at The Refuge.
Spencer Swain / Coaching, Culture, Grace and Truth, Identity, World / 0 comments
Is your life dull – a question we’ve all asked ourselves. What is the purpose of that question?Answer it today. (Mark 7, 5:48 sec)
“Then Jesus called to the crowd to come and hear. “All of you listen,” he said, “and try to understand. 15 It’s not what goes into your body that defiles you; you are defiled by what comes from your heart.” (Mark 7:14-15 NLT)
Spencer Swain / Christian Living, Coaching / 2 comments
Faith hurts with no purpose. Someone said the greatest tragedy is going through life not knowing why you were here. Let’s get on with it and get unstuck!
Spencer Swain / Coaching, Commitment, Identity / 0 comments
Has God given you any reasons lately to stay committed to Him in such a messy world? Jesus coaches the apostles in Luke 5 giving that reason. Something we all need hear!