When You Say Amen – Mean it!

NOTE: Please watch the 6 sec video on how to “Pray, Say Amen and Mean it” and then there is a 4:40 second devotion from James 5 right below it. I am so encouraged by this and you will find this open-ended challenge by James a life giver and life changer.

Hit Play Below: Often we pray and then search for all the explanations, let it end today.         Listen below to what literally happensWhen You Say Amen – Mean it! 

Lifting God’s Voice Above Ours

050514 Friendship Job 19I can say of my friends and family, “I will fight for this generation, I will believe for those who cannot believe for themselves yet, and I will be there for wounded Christians and communities”: I can say that all I want, but how am I really going to do that this week when God presents the opportunity, which He will. Listen to this 5 minute devotion.